Quarter 1

DUE OCTOBER 22, 2021 @ 3:50 PM


ICC Meeting Information

This year, I am planning not to host ICC Meetings in person. There may be circumstances where meetings will be held in person, but I will let you know on the ASB Website and Remind you in advance. This does not mean that ICC Meetings are not required. The same rule will be applied: missing an ICC Meeting is one strike.

The meetings not hosted in person will have all the information listed on the ASB Website under Club Resources and ICC Meetings: https://www.phsasb.org/clubs/resources/icc. You will have to complete a Google Form to be marked present at the ICC Meeting. You will be given exactly one week to complete the Google Form. I will notify you in advance when ICC Meetings are due through ASB Website and REMIND. I will not accept late submissions. When you submit a form, you should receive an email of your response to the email address you provided at the beginning of the form.

Club Minutes Information

Club Minutes will be due monthly at the ASB Office. The club minutes must be printed and physically signed by board members and club advisors.

The templates and deadlines are listed on the ASB Website: https://www.phsasb.org/clubs/resources/minutes.

Website Information


This year, each club will be eligible to have a page on our ASB website. Clubs will be able to add descriptions, pictures, and other necessary information about their club. Here is an example: https://www.phsasb.org/clubs/directory/a/scioly. If you already completed the form, you do not have to submit another form. I am currently updating the website.

Here are a few things before you submit a form:

1) Please ONLY SUBMIT ONE FORM per club. There will be another form where you can edit your page.

2) All forms will only be accessible through your IUSD credentials.

LINK TO FORM: https://forms.gle/MCEcvSkWWXDc4ufR9


Google Form (REQUIRED)

Filling and submitting this form will count as your club's attendance at Quarter 1's ICC Meeting. Only ONE submission should be made per club. This form will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to read and fill out.

Please start this form ONLY when you can complete full form. Your club name will be removed from the first question when you move on from the first question.

DUE OCTOBER 22, 2021 @ 3:50 PM

If you have any questions, please reach out to Shaun (clubs@phsasb.org).